
10 Greatest Quotes by Reinhard Bonnke

Reinhard Bonnke was a renowned German Pentecostal evangelist known for his large-scale evangelistic missions throughout Africa. 

Reinhard Bonnke was a famous evangelist who dedicated his life to bringing people to Christ. In his ministry which spanned about 60 years, he could save a lot of souls. Many of his quotes have a very deep meaning and are meditated on by Christians during times of deep trouble.

Here are some Reinhard Bonnke quotes that can help you navigate through life:

1. "God doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies the called"

The quote highlights the divine nature of God’s calling in our lives. We need not be qualified to be

chosen by God. Unlike the world which judges people based on their qualifications, and living

standards, God does not bother about our education or job. We need not possess a highly recognized degree or qualification to be able to fulfill our calling. It is God’s transformative power that prepares us for our calling. It also delivers a strong message that only He can empower those who are called. His calling helps us step into our life’s purpose.

2. "You have faith stories, too. No matter how small, remember them, recite them, count them, and celebrate them. They build your faith for what is coming next in your life"

Reinhard Bonnke stresses the importance of remembering God’s goodness often. Most of the people out there would have stories of how their faith saved them. He says that no matter how small or insignificant the story might seem, it is necessary to recall those in times of deep trouble and despair because that is the only thing that will help us cling to God. As the scripture says, faith in the size of a mustard seed is enough for God to move mountains for us.

3. "You may feel lost in a sea of people but remember — He knows you by name. He knows your story. He knows your pain. And He loves you the same"

This is another quote that shows how much God loves us. The world will not recognize us in a sea of people. But God will. He knows every creation of His by the name. He knows the sufferings we have to go through at a certain point in our life. He is well aware of our strengths and weaknesses. Amidst all these, He loves us so much that He gave His life for us on the cross. God's love is unconditional and ever-flowing. It never ceases.

4. "God always works with workers and moves with movers, but He does not sit with sitters"

As Christians, we are not expected to be idle. This quote is a powerful declaration that we should work hard towards our goals. God is with the ones who work hard. But the ones who are lazy might not find God with them because God does not sit with sitters. He likes people who put their maximum effort into something. He wants us to make use of the talents He has given us and not be idle like the man in the Gospel. As long as we work hard and submit our dreams and goals to the Lord, He is sure to help us in the most unexpected times and ways.

5. "We cannot expect divine revelation to be what we imagine; if it was, there would be no need of divine revelation at all"

Divine Revelation is only possible for God. No matter how hard a man tries to understand what the revelation is, he will fail at it. He is God for a reason. If man’s mind could imagine the divine revelations, there would not have been any, because that is what makes God different from humans. Each time a person guesses what God is trying to do, He does things greater than that.

6. "It is said that resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for your enemy to die. There is no room for such a waste of energy in the service of God"

Resentment has no place in a Christian’s life. Holding resentment against someone is like drinking poison and causing harm to oneself. It will only harm us and not the person whom we are vengeful. Reinhard Bonnke says that it is a waste of energy, that disrupts one’s peace of mind and is not for God’s children

7. "The power of the Cross of Christ is not just in the forgiveness of sins, but also in the power to live a holy life"

The cross is most often seen as the way we were forgiven our sins. But Reinhard Bonnke says that the cross is also for us to lead a holy life with moral purity and righteousness. It empowers believers to strive to be like God every day. Cross is what guides people on a spiritual path when the world tends to take over their minds. It is not just a symbol of redemption, but a source of strength and inspiration for people who are dedicated to God.

8. "God has a thousand-year calendar with only one day marked on it. It is marked TODAY"

This quote tells us how worrying about the past and the future is pointless. God is only bothered about today and it is what we do today that will bring glory to God. Today he has offered us a chance to be with him and glorify him through our deeds. There is no point in keeping it to tomorrow or being sad about not being able to do it in the past. Even in case of anxiousness, God asks us not to be worried about the future. As the scripture says, the worries of today are enough for the day. The next day can be anxious about itself.

9. "If you want to see the supernatural, you have to step out of the natural"

In this quote, Reinhard Bonnke emphasizes how supernatural things happen when we step out into it. There are certain miracles God does in our lives that cannot be explained by human logic. The quote challenges human understanding and asks us to embrace the supernatural. He asks us to believe that humanly impossible things are possible for God. 

10. "The Gospel is not just about saving souls from hell, it is about transforming lives here on earth"

The Gospel is not just to save souls from hell, but to show people what heaven looks like on earth. It is a calling to transform the lives of people on earth through love and compassion as the Gospel wants us to. It also asks us to be mindful of living a Christ-centered life on earth, and not be bothered about the afterlife alone.

These quotes on prayer by Reinhard Bonnke and spiritual life, can guide us through life's challenges. They serve as powerful reminders of the Christian faith when we feel lost or uncertain.


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