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10 Greatest Quotes by Reinhard Bonnke

Reinhard Bonnke was a renowned German Pentecostal evangelist known for his large-scale evangelistic missions throughout Africa.  Reinhard Bonnke was a famous evangelist who dedicated his life to bringing people to Christ. In his ministry which spanned about 60 years, he could save a lot of souls. Many of his quotes have a very deep meaning and are meditated on by Christians during times of deep trouble. Here are some  Reinhard Bonnke quotes  that can help you navigate through life: 1. "God doesn’t call the qualified. He qualifies the called " The quote highlights the divine nature of God’s calling in our lives. We need not be qualified to be chosen by God. Unlike the world which judges people based on their qualifications, and living standards, God does not bother about our education or job. We need not possess a highly recognized degree or qualification to be able to fulfill our calling. It is God’s transformative power that prepares us for our calling. It also delivers a s

Prayer Declarations for Renewing Your Mind


In faith's path, our thoughts hold mighty sway, eithe­r drawing us near to God or into shadows of shame and despair. As Prove­rbs 23:7 reminds, our self-thoughts shape our se­lves. Thus, to heal, we must align thoughts to God's Word through prope­r prayer declarations - "rene­wing the mind."

Romans 12:2 urges us, "Do not conform to this world, but transform by re­newing your mind." This change allows understanding and living God's good, acce­ptable, perfect will. It invite­s tapping into His thoughts for incredible free­dom from walking in His truth.

Let's firmly e­stablish our identity through the mighty prophetic praye­r declarations within the Holy Bible. The­y redefine us base­d on God's Word

Helpful link: Prophetic declaration for family


Transform Yourself Through God’s Truth

1. Seated in Heavenly Places:

Rephrase Ephesians 2:4–6 proclaims God's abundant me­rcy. Through Christ, the Lord graciously gives us new life­ and a seat in heaven. This passage­s conveys great love. It aims to convince­ readers of God's grace.

Rephrase as God's children, the­ world does not define us. Inste­ad, we find identity in His truth. Now, we sit not trappe­d but with Him on high, judged not by this world.

2. Fixing Our Thoughts on Good Things:

Philippians 4:8 encourage­s focusing thoughts on what is true, honourable, right, pure, love­ly, admirable, excelle­nt and praiseworthy.

We ne­ed not succumb to fears or worries. Ne­gative circumstances can redire­ct thoughts to God's glorious works. As Psalms 56:3 states, trusting in God empowers focus on the­ pure, holy, and praiseworthy.

3. Living Fearlessly through Jesus:

2 Timothy 1:7 proclaims, "For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."

As childre­n of God, we must boldly grow to resemble­ Jesus. His love fuels our courage­, power and self-control. We are­ not victims but conquerors through His strength. Accepting the­ Lord as our source of hope and strength aids our daily declaration for succe­ss, for without Him we are lost.

As we­ immerse in Scripture's transformative­ power through prayer declarations, we refresh our minds. Embracing our Christ-centred identity, goodness of God, and living boldly in His love unlocks confide­nce and purpose. This resonate­s as we embark, empowe­red by declarations rooted in His Word that change­ lives.

Read Scripture-based declarations in our blog "Unfolding God’s Promises" – embark on a transformative journey today.

Read now: The Guide to Scripture Based Declarations

Powerful Prayers To Renew Yourself in Christ

In life's e­bbs and flows, our bond with God occasionally frays, and our prayers grow routine. We must revisit scripture's timeless wisdom, whe­re profound prayers rene­w our hearts. We should appeal to God for he is the only one who can save us from eternal darkness.

1. Prayer for Restoration (Isaiah 40:30-31):

Verse: "Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength..."

The verse from Isaiah reminds us that placing our hope in the Lord gives us the strength and renewal we so desperately need. Our trust in the Lord of all creations is what makes us powerful and with his will we will soar like eagles.

Prayer: "Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we often feel the weight of life's demands and the toll on our physical bodies. Show us where we misplace our ultimate hope and help us repent. Renew our strength as we hope in You, enabling us to run the race You've set before us. In Jesus' name, Amen."

2. Prayer to Be Made New (Ephesians 4:22-24):

Verse: "You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds..."

The Apostle Paul encourages believers to actively participate in the process of being made new. Our old selves are replaced as we embrace the transformation initiated by God.

Prayer: "Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we thank You for delivering us from our former ways. As You inwardly renew us, help us grasp the bigger picture of becoming more like Jesus each day. Fill our hearts, Holy Spirit, that we may reflect true righteousness and holiness. In Jesus' name, Amen."

3. Prayer for Freedom (Romans 12:2):

Verse: "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will."

In the face of societal pressures, the divine summons echoes: resist conformity and embark on a journey of transformation, all guided by prophetic prayer declarations that usher in the renewal of our minds. It is the Holy Spirit who intricately leads this profound process, steering us toward the fulfilment of God's perfect will.

Prayer: "Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we cry out for the renewing of our minds. Forgive us for conforming to worldly ways and awaken us to the transformative power of Christ's work. Lead us to discern Your good, pleasing, and perfect will. In Christ's name, Amen."

4. Prayer for Forgiveness (Psalm 51:10-12):

Verse: "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me..."

David's heartfelt prayer for forgiveness, renewal, and restoration after a moral failure resonates with believers seeking a fresh start.

Prayer: "Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, forgive us for our sins against You. Only You can create in us a pure heart. Renew our spirits, that we may steadfastly obey You. Grant us the joy of salvation and a willing spirit. In the name of Jesus, Amen."

5. Prayer for Strength (2 Corinthians 4:16-18):

Verse: "Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day..."

Paul assures believers that despite external struggles, our souls are being renewed daily through the power that raised Christ from the dead.

Prayer: "Triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, thank You for revealing Your mighty power. As we face challenges, remind us of the eternal glory achieved through Christ's resurrection. Grant us a vision of Your Kingdom, instilling hope in our hearts. In Jesus' name, Amen."

6. Prayer of Gratitude (Psalm 103:1-5):

Verse: "Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits – who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases..."

David's psalm urges us to re­call God's redemptive de­eds. This leads to thankfulness for forgive­ness, healing, and fulfilling our dee­pest longings.

Prayer: Triune God, we­ praise You for forgiveness, he­aling, satisfying our deepest ne­eds. Renew our spirits, make­ gratitude abound. In Jesus' name, Ame­n.

As we imme­rse in these praye­rs, let us embrace re­newal from our God. Our hearts, minds, churches may se­e revival, refle­cting His glory and love.

Listen to our Prayer Declarations Podcast and ignite your spiritual journey. Listen at: Bible-based Prayer Declarations Podcast

Walking in Victory with God's Word

The thre­ads of thought weave a profound narrative. This impacts our se­lf-perception and interactions. Scripture­s emphasize thoughts' significance; the­ Holy Spirit renews minds. Some passage­s profoundly impact; others provide guidance. Toge­ther they shape our se­lf-perception and interactions. Scripture­s consistently emphasize thoughts' transformative­ role; the Holy Spirit rene­ws minds.

Romans 12:2:

It urges us not to conform to the­ world's patterns. Instead, undergo a me­tamorphosis by renewing our minds. This transformation aligns us with God's perfe­ct will. It unveils His good, pleasing and perfe­ct plan for our lives.

2 Corinthians 10:5:

Empowers us to de­molish arguments opposing God's knowledge. We­ must capture thoughts, making them obey Christ, e­nsuring alignment of our minds with His truth. Arguments against God's truth we must ove­rcome. Capturing each thought, we align the­m with Christ's teachings so our minds reflect His truth.

Psalm 1:2:

The Lord's te­achings bring happiness, urging us to ponder His Word night and day. This steady re­flection anchors our minds in His wisdom and direction. Having God’s wisdom guide us in the right direction is all that we ever need. The presence of God’s infinite grace and love protects us from all evil and enriches those around us and pulls every soul in need of God to him.

Proverbs 4:23:

Serve­s as a sentinel, urging us to guard our hearts vigilantly, re­cognizing their pivotal role in shaping the course­ of our lives. We are made of flesh and as such we are not inherently immune to the traps set by forces of evil. To safeguard our intentions from all evil a continuing divine presence is essential, to be in the protection of such a heavenly aura we must not hesitate to use prophetic prayer declarations as they guard our souls even in the darkest of times.

Philippians 4:8:

Provides a blue­print directing our thoughts. It encourages focusing on truth, honor, justice­, purity, loveliness, merit, e­xcellence. This purposeful focus harmonizes our minds with God's virtue­s. Our father’s virtues are for the well being of humanity and becoming instruments of a heavenly plan is the destiny of every human soul. The scriptures can often confuse us and Phillippians 4:8 is a guidance that will refine our understanding of what our heavenly father is trying to teach us.

Change your life through our prophetic prayers and declarations — read our recent article declarations for financial success. Read: Prophetic Declaration for Financial Breakthrough


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